CSS siblings and :target

A cool thing I just discovered will working on the WPMovieLibrary tabbed metabox: use CSS siblings and :target pseudo-class to build a full-CSS tab menu. Siblings works with the ~ combinator to target elements from the same container if the second element is preceded by the first; The :target pseudo-class can be used to style …

A way to Implement AJAX in WP_List_Table

I’ve been playing with WordPress’ WP_List_Table for a while now, but since the first day the truly missing feature was an AJAX loading. And I finally managed to find time to put some work on it, I couldn’t find any real documentation about we actually do that, apart from a two-years old StackExchange question that …

WordPress Network: Cookie error when using different domains

This is a recurring I have with my website: I can’t get my WordPress Network to work properly when using different, unrelated domains. Both my personal and professional blog (blog.charliemerland.me and blog.caercam.org) from the same WordPress installation, as well as my Themes Demo site (themes.caercam.org). I read a lot about WordPress MU Domain Mapping, spend …

FluxBB: anti-spam alternative to CAPTCHAs and HoneyPots

Prior to anything this should be very clear from the start: CAPTCHAs and/or HoneyPots are commonly used, really efficient techniques to counter spam on forums. The point here is not to encourage not using these techniques, but to provide a quick and simple technique I’ve been using for years and that proved to be working …

Export Storify Tweets to plain text

Storify is a nice archiving service for social medias; create a new story and you can use it to embed Tweets, Facebook posts, YouTube videos, Instagram pictures… It becomes really handy on Twitter if you want to archive a long series of Tweets you want to be able to find later without browsing manually the …

WordPress: Tweets as Posts with formatting and thumbnails

I’m currently working on some project that requires me to find a way to publish new posts out of specific Twitter accounts’ tweets. Chandesh Parekh already did most part of the work with his Tweets As Posts plugin, which work very well. But I want it to do a bit more, like automatically add featured …

WordPress : administration centralisée sur plusieurs installations

Un petit soucis d’optimisation qui s’est récemment imposé à moi : comment gérer efficacement plusieurs sites WordPress dont certains avec des installations dédiées sur différents serveurs ? En d’autres termes comment administrer tous mes sites à partir d’un seul back-office ? Une solution évidente serait de ne pas avoir plusieurs sites ; mais il est …

WordPress Login page complete redesign

The first time I went through the login process of WordPress, I told myself I would probably have to take some time to customize a bit that page. That was, well, four or five years ago. I’m not telling that WordPress default login is useless, ulgy or badly crafted; I’m merely stating that it could …

Bref, j’ai acheté un plugin WordPress.

Il est plutôt rare que j’achète quelque chose en matière d’informatique, et plus encore de logiciel, alors acheter un plugin, pour WordPress en plus, ça frôle l’exclusivité décennale… Je privilégie essentiellement l’utilisation des logiciels libres, que cela soit pour un usage personnel ou professionnel ; ça me permet de développer moi même mes modifications en …

Order posts by real date in WordPress

Now this is an issue I encountered while designing some WordPress themes: posts and specifically pages don’t display in real date order. I still can’t precisely tell why this is happening, but it does, and it actually bothers me a bit since most of my websites use a precise page hierarchy. So here we go, …